Bridging the Gap: How a Digital Transformation Award Scheme can Foster Collaboration between Public and Private Sectors

Establish a digital transformation award scheme

Navigating Digital Government Transformation: POC, Prototype, Pilot, and MVP Explained

Understanding the stages of POC, Prototype, Pilot, and MVP is essential in the context of digital government. Each stage serves a specific purpose, helping to ensure that digital initiatives are viable, user-friendly, compliant, and effective. By recognizing the unique challenges and opportunities at each stage, government entities can navigate the digital transformation journey more effectively, leading to successful implementation and adoption of digital solutions.

Rent if You Can, Buy if You Can’t, and Build if You Must: Navigating Technology Investment

“Rent if you can, buy if you can’t, and build if you must” is a heuristic that simplifies the decision-making process for technology investment. By understanding the nuances of each option, businesses can make informed choices that align with their strategic goals, ensuring they remain competitive and agile in a digital-first world.

How to a digital identity service that preserves user privacy using zero-knowledge proofs (ZKPs).

Blockchain technology provides a decentralized platform where information can be stored securely and immutably. It also allows for the creation of unique digital identities that can be verified without the need for a central authority. Zero-knowledge proofs are a cryptographic method that enables one party to prove to another party that a statement is true … Read more

What is innovation accounting and how does it help manage innovation?

‘Innovation Accounting’ is a loose term for the idea that organisations need new metrics to manage innovation, the dominant competitive force driving value today. After building a few government as a service platforms the only thing I’ve seen reliably produce valuable innovation is intentional and consistent experimentation. Increasingly many teams are practicing some form of … Read more

Innovation Options: A tool for governments to help structure Investments into Innovation

Innovation is a key driver of economic growth and social progress, and governments around the world are increasingly looking for new ways to encourage innovation and investment. One emerging tool that is gaining attention is innovation options, a financial instrument that provides a financial incentive for private sector partners to invest in new technologies or … Read more

What are sense making frameworks and why are they important to e-Government strategy?

Sense making via an elephant

Different people have different perspectives. We need a way to bring all the different perspectives together. To do this we need to establish a set of common sense making frameworks to build a common understanding of what is going on.